Talk to any biologist or sociologist and they’re bound to tell you that adaptation is the key to survival. Being able to overcome adversity to achieve success and stability means thriving where others fail.
The same thing could be said for chiropractic as well. In order to deliver successful treatment, a chiropractor must be able to adapt their practice, methods, and approach to best fulfill the needs of the patient. An inability to do this can result in ongoing pain and suffering. Successful adaptation of treatment, however, could very well mean a resolution of problems and a new outlook on life.
For the team at Ideal Spine Health Center, our approach to adaptation is built into the Chiropractic BioPhysics (CBP) program we use when caring for patients in Boise, ID. We believe treatment needs to evolve alongside a patient and their unique condition in order to deliver successful results.
An adaptable, incremental approach
Incremental care isn’t a concept that’s exclusive to CBP. Often, chiropractors will schedule adjustment plans for patients that span several weeks and dozens of sessions. What does set CBP apart, however, is its extended timeline of care.
Many CBP adjustment schedules extend into the 8-, 16-, or 36-week range, depending on the severity of the patient’s condition. At face value, it may seem like a shockingly long timeline. This elongated timeline is designed out of necessity, however – it offers ample opportunity for reassessment of care and alteration of next steps. This is where CBP adaptability is born.
Changing treatment methodology
The opportunities to reassess a CBP treatment program pave the way for a shift in care. If a patient on a 16-week plan isn’t progressing as anticipated, care can be adapted to facilitate more pronounced results. For example, a chiropractor may choose to introduce Mirror Image Adjustments in conjunction with drop table adjustments to keep vertebrae from moving again.
In another example, reassessment could yield insight into qualitative findings that can be acted upon for enhanced results. If a patient has extensive soft tissue scarring, for example, myofascial release could be employed to help facilitate better realignment of the spine.
Referral for future wellness
Adaptability extends beyond a patient’s tailored CBP program. Because chiropractic emphasizes long-term, sustainable wellness, chiropractors must be adaptable when it comes to maintenance. Specifically, this means evolving maintenance care to work in tandem with patient lifestyles. A distance runner and triathlon enthusiast is going to have much different maintenance needs than a 12-hour-a-day computer programmer. Adapting maintenance care to meet these unique needs fulfills the long-term role of chiropractic.
Where some chiropractic approaches fail to adapt to the specific and unique needs of patients, CBP succeeds. Because it’s adaptable at every stage of administration, it can survive the entire duration of a patient’s condition and beyond, to afford them potential relief in all stages.
Ideal Spine Health Center wants to introduce you to our adaptable brand of chiropractic care. Get in touch with us today for a free consultation and to learn more about the tailored benefits of CBP.
Chiropractic BioPhysics, or CBP, is one of the most scientific, researched, and results-oriented corrective care techniques. CBP-trained chiropractors aim to realign the spine back to health, eliminating nerve interference and addressing the source of pain, fatigue, and disease. As with all chiropractic care, CBP is gentle, painless, and non-invasive.