One of the core and founding principles of Chiropractic BioPhysics (CBP) is the concept of using quantitative analysis to deliver a personalized level of corrective care to patients. This means cultivating individual data and building a corrective care model around it to promote precision adjustments for sufferers of a wide scope of misalignment troubles.
Today, evidenced-based chiropractic has caught on far beyond CBP. The reason is simple: being able to provide data is an incredibly beneficial way to validate the efforts of a chiropractor. Whether it’s to the patient, the payer, or clinical professionals working in tandem with a chiropractor, data drives the rationalization in a specific approach to care.
Ideal Spine Health Center in Boise, ID puts complete faith in the derivatives we use for each and every one of our patients. Not only do we know the power of personalized data, we also believe in the evidence it produces!
How do you know if you’re getting better?
If a person has low back pain and visits a chiropractor for adjustment, they expect to feel better when they leave. If they do, the visit was a success; if they don’t, they begin to question the efficacy of the model. Unfortunately, as we well know, this isn’t an accurate assessment and is almost entirely anecdotal. That doesn’t stop it from being a reality in many cases, however.
What the situation needs is evidence – something tangible or understandable that a patient can take away from the interaction to validate the results of their adjustment. For example, if a chiropractor is able to say that a person’s spine was deviated by X-degrees and would need X-more adjustments to realign it, a patient would understand the concept of an incremental return to normal.
The same emphasis on evidence-based chiropractic is important for creating transparency. Being able to tell a patient upfront that they will need X-more visits to correct problems A, B, and C works to set expectations. And, as those expectations are measureable, they can be validated as time progresses. If and when they’re met, the methodology will be validated by the data and the outcome.
Setting the standard for personalization
Medical care of all types is moving towards a tailored, patient-driven approach. If a patient presents textbook symptoms of strep throat, it’s no longer standard procedure to prescribe them an antibiotic and send them on their way. Today’s care approach is to review their history, understand their full gamut of symptoms, test for positive, and then prescribe – no matter how routine the diagnosis.
The reason for this is simple: trust in the medical community has waned due to the extreme expense and when they do seek medical help, people demand world-class service to justify that cost. The same holds true for chiropractic.
Personalization and tailored care are expected from chiropractors. Following the model of CBP, this is exactly what many practitioners are beginning to deliver. And it all starts with data. Data enables unique figures to be presented, tailored adjustment schedules to be generated, and measureable results to be given. At the end of the day, results feel realer and the experience becomes more worthwhile.
Chiropractic BioPhysics leads the way
Because it’s rooted deeply in data collection and calculated execution, Chiropractic BioPhysics (CBP) is at the forefront of evidence-based chiropractic. Ideal Spine Health Center takes immense pride in being able to validate the chiropractic approach for all Boise, ID patients, in a way that satisfies their demand for personalization, while delivering real results. We invite you to schedule a free consultation with us today to see CBP in action for yourself.
Chiropractic BioPhysics, or CBP, is one of the most scientific, researched, and results-oriented corrective care techniques. CBP-trained chiropractors aim to realign the spine back to health, eliminating nerve interference and addressing the source of pain, fatigue, and disease. As with all chiropractic care, CBP is gentle, painless, and non-invasive.