The Beginning of Better Health
Health and Longevity From Inside Out.
It all starts with a scientifically based examination of your posture, spinal alignment, and function—often involving x-ray analysis—as compared to normal values.
In short, the Ideal Spine Health Center combines biology, physiology, physics, geometry, and anatomy to identify and quantify the causes of your pain, discomfort, loss of mobility, and altered health. And that means your diagnosis—and the resulting treatment—will be based on sound scientific and chiropractic information with a means to objectively measure progress.
Careful study of your spine and posture misalignment along axes in three dimensions identifies rotational (turn, twist, tilt) and translational (up, down, left, right, forward, back) -abnormalities.
Specialized Methods of Spinal Traction
Over a period of many years, the originators and practitioners of CBP have developed, studied, and tested numerous spinal remodeling techniques. No other specific chiropractic technique system has been subject to this level of trial or scrutiny, nor are the results so well studied and understood.
The type of spinal remodeling your CBP-trained chiropractor prescribes will be based on your unique condition and situation. Some treatments will be applied at your chiropractor’s office utilizing specialized equipment. Others may be personally prescribed, and performed at home, the office, or wherever is convenient.
Mirror-Image® Spinal Remodeling
Using spinal remodeling that “mirrors” the improper or unnatural spinal curvature is among the many developments CBP brings to chiropractic practice.
In effect, spinal segments in your neck, rib cage, and lower back, as well as your pelvis, are stretched, pulled, and/or pushed into proper alignment by gently forcing the skeletal, muscular, ligamentous, and nervous systems away from their incorrect positions. Over time, and with carefully prescribed amounts of pressure and duration, Mirror-Image spinal remodeling has been shown to help restore proper alignment.
The various methods of spinal remodeling have been carefully studied, and variations based on specific posture abnormalities, configurations of spinal curvature, gender, and body size are all evaluated and compensated for in the techniques. Your CBP trained chiropractor will know which device is right for you based on your unique condition.
Based on clinical controlled trials, spinal remodeling applied with CBP Technique is the only proven non-surgical method that consistently corrects abnormal spinal curvature toward normal alignment.